Message from David Waterfield


Consumers choose us for our great products, brands they can trust, and an organization they can believe in. As a leader in our industry, we have a responsibility to be principled and transparent, with our regulators, our partners, our consumers, as well as the communities within which we operate. Our Standards of Business Conduct (SoBC) helps to guide us and set out what we expect of ourselves and our colleagues.

As CEO, I expect that all  Employees of Reynolds American Inc. and its subsidiaries (Reynolds) champion the highest ethical standards – which are articulated in our Reynolds American group Standards of Business Conduct (SoBC).

Employees of Reynolds are encouraged to speak up and raise concerns about wrongdoing without fear or reprisals, and should feel confident that they will be supported, and that their voice will be heard.

In addition to the SoBC, this document includes links to information regarding the Speak Up hotline and portal – an employee resource to report violations of the SoBC with the option to remain anonymous.

Delivering business results responsibly, in compliance with laws and regulations, and treating each other and our stakeholders with respect, is nonnegotiable. Reynolds American and its subsidiaries will maintain an unwavering commitment to integrity as we work together to transform our business and build A Better Tomorrow™.

David Waterfield

President and CEO of Reynolds American Inc.
January 2024