Our People: Respect in the Workplace


We must treat all of our colleagues and business partners inclusively, with dignity and respect.

What we Believe

We believe that fundamental labor rights should be respected, including freedom of association, the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor and child labor, and the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.

Our policy on people and human rights practices is based on local and international labor laws, recommended practices and guidelines1.

We comply with all applicable labor laws and regulations.

Quick Links
  • Promoting Equality and Diversity
  • Preventing Harassment and Bullying
  • Fair Wages and Benefits
  • Supporting Flexible Working

Promoting Equality and Diversity

We are dedicated to providing equal opportunities to, and fair treatment of, all our Employees, and to creating an inclusive workforce by promoting employment equality.

Diversity is a key principle of our ethos. Our Group-wide diversity and inclusion strategy focuses on ensuring all of our Employees can flourish. We respect and celebrate each other’s differences, and value what makes each of us unique.

We must treat colleagues as we expect to be treated, respect their characteristics and opinions, and not practice any form of unlawful discrimination.

Discrimination can include (but is not limited to) allowing race, ethnicity, color, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, class, religion, politics, marital status, pregnancy status, union membership, smoking habits, or any other characteristic protected by law to influence our judgment when it comes to the recruitment, development, advancement, or exit of any Employee.

This reflects our support for ILO Convention 111 which sets out fundamental principles concerning the elimination of discrimination in the workplace.

To foster transparency and to hold ourselves accountable, we publish an Annual Diversity and Inclusion Report which details our global diversity and inclusion strategy, as well as our gender and ethnicity pay reporting.


Preventing Harassment and Bullying

All aspects of harassment and bullying are completely unacceptable. We are committed to removing any such actions or attitudes from the workplace.

Harassment and bullying include, but are not limited to, any form of sexual, verbal, non-verbal and physical behavior, which is abusive, humiliating or intimidating.

If we witness or experience such behavior, or behavior that is unacceptable in any other way, we should report it to our line manager. We seek to provide a climate of confidence where Employees can raise issues, and aim for a swift resolution to the satisfaction of all concerned.

Employees can raise issues through local grievance procedures or Group Speak Up channels.


Fair Wages and Benefits

We are committed to providing remuneration that is fair, clear and equitable.

Group Companies must comply with all minimum wage legislation, and our strategy is for reward levels to be competitive within the local area.


Supporting Flexible Working

We are committed to supporting flexible working for our Employees.

Group Companies must comply with all applicable working time laws, taking account of any legally mandated maximum working hours requirements.


Diversity is a key principle of our ethos.


Who to Talk to

1 The International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Corporations.