Using Your Own Ethical Judgement
Our SoBC cannot cover every possible situation you may encounter, and it’s important that you know how to choose the right course of action. If you are in an ethically difficult or uncertain situation, follow the guide below.
Step One
Is it legal and consistent with our internal rules and guidance?
Not sure
If no, do not proceed.
You must not break the law, and you must comply with all policies and procedures referred to in the SoBC.
If you are not sure
please speak to your line manager, Legal Counsel or higher management.
Step Two
Does it feel right and fair?
Not sure
If no, do not proceed.
We must always act with integrity and do the right thing, even when no one is looking.
If you are not sure
please speak to your line manager, Legal Counsel or higher management.
Step three
Would you be comfortable if your action was reported in a newspaper, or you had to explain your conduct to your Leadership Team?
Not sure
If no, do not proceed.
If you’re uncomfortable, it’s probably not the right thing to do.
If you are not sure
please speak to your line manager, Legal Counsel or higher management.
Go ahead
Not sure